Guerteltier 400

Southern Three-banded Armadillo

Tolypeutes matacus 
Südliches Kugelgürteltier

Classification: Xenarthra, Armadillos
Distribution: southern and central South America
Habitat: dry forests, bush veldt
Head-to-body length: 21 – 27 cm
Length of tail: 6 – 8 cm
Weight: 1 – 2 kg
Gestation: 4 months
Diet: insects, worms, seeds, fruit


Armadillos together with pangolins are the only mammals having an outer shell. The armour is made of bone and forms the shoulder girdle and pelvis. The part between these two shell parts consists of three motile bands.

When threatened, the two species of Tolypeutes roll up into a ball. Even though protected against many predators their status is declining fast in the recent years due to habitat loss and hunting by humans.