
Black-faced Ibis

Theristicus melanopis

Classification: ibises, spoonbills
Distribution: southern Argentina and Chile, locally in coastal Peru
Habitat: open landscapes, swamp
Size: 71 – 76 cm
Weight: approx. 1400 g
Clutch size: 2 – 3 eggs
Incubation: 26 days
Diet: worms, snails, insects

The Black-faced Ibis is a social bird that forages in groups of about 12 animals. It shows a typical black throat wattle. With their long, curved beak they pick in the ground to find small animals like worms, snails or insects.

During breeding period they migrate to northern Argentina and the coast of Peru in troups of hundreds of birds. Breeding is in big colonies up to 50 pairs. The nests are huge and made of dry branches, coated with grass and sawgrass.

The Black-faced Ibis is quite common in its range in Chile and southern Argentina, but at breeding sites it is becoming increasingly rare.